Alkali Shampoo (500ml)
Formulated with natural ingredients to safely clean and purify all surfaces. With high pH 12 tar removing properties but does not discolour, stain or damage sur-faces including…
Formulated with natural ingredients to safely clean and purify all surfaces. With high pH 12 tar removing properties but does not discolour, stain or damage sur-faces including paint…
Ayicon Ceramic Coating (50ml)
Ayicon is a special blend of chemicals that gives very high gloss readings differentiating it from other coating products in the market.…
Bio Nano Ready-to-Use (500ml)
The most water repellent of all Artdeshine spray detailers. Best product to use for maintaining coatings and interiors. Dry and wet use, safe for coatings…
Exclusive to certified professionals, this product is accessible only to businesses endorsed by Artdeshine. If you’re interested in experiencing the unparalleled protection of this product…
Graphene Maintenance Coating (50ml)
A Silicone Dioxide (SiO2) enhanced product that performs well as a maintenance solution for existing coatings, top coat or standalone coating product. …
Antimony Tin Oxide (ATO) nanoparticles work as sunlight heat shields in the near infrared region (NIR) region of solar radiation and are also…
Citrus Cleaner pH Neutral Shampoo (500ml)
Made from organic materials and being pH neutral, this product is designed to clean even the most delicate surfaces. Can…
Citrus Cleaner pH Neutral Shampoo (500ml) Made from organic materials and being pH neutral, this product is designed to clean even the most delicate surfaces.…
Contain Fine abrasives for removal of stains and water marks on glass. Shake before opening cap.
Thumbnail sized amount to affected area.
Rub with microfiber cloth until…